

Basic Beliefs:

United Methodists share these beliefs with other Christians:

The Trinity: God is ONE but revealed in three Persons

  • God, the loving Father/Creator of the universe
  • Jesus Christ, God's Son/our Redeemer, fully human and fully divine
  • the Holy Spirit/Sustainer, God-with-us, awakening us to God's will and helping us to carry it out

Human Beings: Created in God's image

  • can accept or reject a relationship with God
  • need an active relationship with God to be fully human

The Church: the Body of Christ

  • the extension of Jesus' ministry on earth today
  • is called to worship God, love neighbors
  • supports its members in growing their faith
  • works toward a world of peace and justice

United Methodists, like many Christians, profess their faith using the traditional language of the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, ancient expressions that remain relevant today.

United Methodists have a distinctive theology, which we call “Wesleyan” because it comes from writings and sermons of our founder John Wesley.




Ha Amonga’ O Kalaisi United Methodist Church

Pastor Sione N. Fungalei

637 West 1150 South
Provo, Utah 84601